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Popular H&R Block Coupon Codes & Discounts

Coupon Type Description Expires
Coupon H&R Block Coupon for $35 Off Ongoing
Deal Free 1040EZ Tax Filing at HRBlock.com Ongoing
Coupon $25 Coupon for H&R Block Ongoing
Coupon H&R Block $10 Off Coupon Ongoing
Coupon $50 H&R Block In Store Coupon YMMV
H&R Block Senior Discount

How Do I Use an H&R Block Coupon or H&R Block Discount Key Code?
Most H&R Block discount codes are easy to use. Simply click on the discount offer desired, the discount code will show up on the landing page. No need to enter a key code promo in most cases, except for the $50 H&R Block in store coupon which you will need to print out if it is available.

Does H&R Block have Discounts?
H&R Block discounts and coupons are generally offered for various memberships or qualifications, including a senior discount, filing in store (printable), small business ownership and a few others. The discounts vary, but are from 10% to 25%, to $50 off.

Is H&R Block Cheaper than TurboTax?
There is no definitive answer to that question.  It will depend on your tax filing situation, individual, which forms you file (1040EZ, etc) and the current discounts available for both filing services.  It is also import to note that staying with your previous filing solution makes things easier, pulling up last years tax details instantly but if the discount or key code is enough it may still be worth it to you.

Can You Stack Coupons at HRBlock.com?
No, there is a limit of one H&R Block discount promo code or per tax filing. However, occasionally we see credit card offers that credit you so much after paying for your filing with that specific credit card on the back end so be sure to check if any of your cards do so.

What Are the Restrictions on H&R Block Coupons or key codes?
Customers can only use a single H&R Block coupon or discount code per filing. We suggest reviewing our current H&R Block discounts before you file your return to maximize the latest and best H&R Block discount.

Who Qualifies for H&R Block Free Tax Filing Online?
With or without a coupon, H&R Block has a free filing option. If you have a simple tax return, H&R Block Free online is designed for people with less complex filing situations, including taxpayers who have W-2 income, kids and rent, as well as students and first-time filers. H&R Block Free Online includes an easy-to-use help center to provide guidance along the way and answer common questions.